S2E9 - Aussie Students React to Well-known Blockchain Projects

Students from UNSW University Sydney share what excites and scares them about some of the most well-known Blockchain use cases, including Algorand, Quorum, Sovrin, Ocean Protocol, OpenSea, PowerLedger, Helium, and IOTA.  

Huge shout to Ambrose, Regio, Sidra, Gian, Rahma, Samuel, Pooja and Guntur for the diligent preparation and insightful and honest perspectives.

If you want to watch the YouTube version, check it out here: https://youtu.be/8kQiunylNu4! 


Transcript (Courtesy of Sonix - Apologies for any errors from the AI):

Coming soon…


S2E10 - Blockchain in Switzerland: Crypto Valley and the Future of Digital Assets


S2E8 - Blockchain in Singapore: The Most Advanced Blockchain Nation in the World?