Blockchain Won’t Save the World.
We Will.
Blockchain has a marketing problem, and we need objective voices to help newcomers and experts alike to understand the true value of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technology (DLT).
This is the premise of the Blockchain Won’t Save the World podcast. Inspiring Stories. Real Tech. No Hype.
We’ve been through phases of crypto hysteria, over-hyped predictions of Blockchain transforming everything everywhere, the ‘trough of disillusionment’ stories stating Blockchain is a ‘fad’ and will never scale, while in the background real digital transformation is being delivered in enterprise and the public sector.
I want to share stories, experience and advice from people and organisations who are genuinely benefiting from the use of Blockchain and DLT to provide relatable examples, inspire others to take action, and establish that Blockchain is not the only transformational technology out there.
I have spent my career in Strategy, Digital Strategy, and more recently leading Blockchain teams that help clients frame complex choices, form business networks and establish technology platforms from initial scoping through to production. Therefore I hope my experience and judgement (and that of my guests) will be of interest to the community.
Finally, a special shout to those who have inspired me to take the leap into podcasting and content creation: Jeremy Waite (IBM), Dennis Koutoudis (LinkedSuperPowers), Dennis Hillemann (KPMG), Samson Williams (Axis of Eggs) and Walid Al Saqqaf (InsureBlocks).